Architectural Digest

How to Display Art Without Hanging It

A solution for commitment phobes and serial re-arrangers alike

Put away your measuring tape, your hammer and nails, your fear of putting holes in your walls—it turns out that you don't have to hang your art at all. One of the most popular ways to display artwork these days requires far less commitment than that. Simply set the art on the floor, or on a shallow shelf, and lean it up. The result is casual-looking but refined, with a little bit of treasure-hunt intrigue mixed in. And you can switch it right up without worrying over the holes you've put in the wallpaper.

"I tend to lean my art even more than I hang it these day," says designer Leanne Ford. "This allows for a constant and easy rotation of what is displayed, where and how." Below we've rounded up some of our favorite ways to try out the trend.

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Jenni Kayne

